Tips for Increasing Website Engagement

Updated November 29, 2023

High website engagement means your site is performing well. Users find relevant content on your website and may likely purchase from you. This increases your conversion as a result. Use the tips below to increase your website engagement. 

1. Update Your Calls to Action

Do you want visitors to sign up for a free trial or purchase a product or a service? You need an effective call to action to compel them to do exactly what you want them to do. We recommend using CTAs to boost engagement and increase revenue. For example, you can ask website visitors to share your article, subscribe to your email list or buy something. 

Use the right words to grab a visitor's attention. Also, make sure they can actually see the call to action button. The right colors and shapes will do the trick. Additionally, add a value proposition to increase your chances of getting that click. Make your CTA more effective by creating a sense of urgency, such as adding "Get Now and Save 50%" or giving a free guide when they sign up. 

2. Increase the Ways Users Can Contact Your Business

How can visitors contact you for questions about the product or service? Avoid sticking to just one platform as some visitors may prefer to contact you via another medium. We recommend using different social media channels and email to ensure each customer has access to you. Better yet, add a live chat for real-time assistance. This way, your potential clients can get a hold of a customer service representative to answer queries. 

If you're targeting the older population, it might be better to have a 1-800 number they can call. Of course, don't forget to add your mailing address. Customers probably won't use snail mail but having a physical address shows you're a legitimate business. 

While it's helpful to have various communication channels, the key is to stay engaged with your customers. If they have a question or an issue that needs to be resolved, make sure it's taken care of quickly. Customers like businesses that are responsive; you'll likely get a sale or a repeat business if you excel in customer service. 

3. Make It Easy for Potential Customers to Get Answers to Their Questions

Waiting can frustrate visitors. Some of them may leave your website and move on to another. Adding a live chat will make it easy for customers to get answers to their questions. However, make sure your customer service or sales representative is available 24/7, especially when you also cater to customers from other countries. If it's not possible to have a live representative all the time, set up a chatbot or live chat. The chatbot can answer frequently asked questions about your products and services to ensure your potential customers stay on the website.

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In fact, 73 percent of consumers call live chat the most satisfying way to communicate with businesses, according to an Invesp infographic. And 42 percent noted that chat is their preferred method of sending contact information.

Adding an FAQ page to your website also helps. By compiling common questions about your business, it will give customers a place to get answers. Better yet, include a page where they can also post questions and make sure you get back in touch with them right away to resolve their concern. 

Customers appreciate businesses that take time to resolve each customer query because it makes them feel valued. If you want to attract new visitors and keep old ones, the key is to always engage with them. Never let one question unanswered. If you don't have a resolution yet, let them know you'll get back to them as soon as possible.

4. Speed Up Your Site

Fast loading times don't just fix bounce rates problems, they can also help your SEO and improve your engagement metrics. No one wants to stay on a website that takes forever to load. As much as possible, hire professionals to speed up your site. You'll likely improve your conversion rates and definitely improve user experience with fast loading times. 

You might need to move your website to a better host provider to improve fast load times. Reducing your plug-ins and using website caching can also speed up your site. If possible, reduce the sizes of your images and try not to upload a lot of videos. 

If your user engagement rate is poor, your website might not be performing well. We recommend checking your site's performance first to determine what needs to be done. You can test the speed by using Google PageSpeed Insights or by hiring professionals to do this for you. 

5. Put Positive Reviews at the Forefront

You can build brand trust by incorporating good testimonials or reviews into your website. With high brand trust, customers are more likely to buy from you and may only purchase products from you. A good review demonstrates quality and tells the customer they can get better value for their money with your products than the competitor. 

For new businesses that don't have good reviews yet, we suggest you reach out to your customer after sales. Proactively ask them to put in a good review of your product if they have good experience with it. At the same time, ask them if there are things you can still do better. You'd be surprised at how responsive customers are. They do appreciate businesses that reach out to them, so it's possible for you to get that review. 

If you get a bad review on your social media sites, apologize to your customer and let them know you'll do everything to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Don't be discouraged when you get bad reviews as it's an opportunity for you to do better and improve your product or service. 

Do you want to improve your engagement metrics? Gather good reviews from your customers and post them on your website. Ensure they're strategically placed, so customers never miss them. 

6. Use Different Types of Media (Content, Photos and Videos)

When it comes to user engagement, relevant content is still king. However, don't limit yourself to one or two types of content — add internal links to highlight other content on your website. In addition to publishing articles, videos and photos, explore other types of content, such as infographics (to show stats, specifically), white papers, case studies or newsletters. Don't forget your SEO to get better rankings in Google and improve traffic. Remember, user engagement is also about the numbers. More users mean a higher chance of getting improved engagement metrics. 

7. Tap into the power of testimonials

People prefer to make purchases on the recommendation of their peers. Sales tactics from strangers are much less convincing than pitches from parents, friends or neighbors. And you should take advantage of that tendency by leveraging testimonials on your website. If you can find clients who will agree to get in front of a camera to speak to the benefits of your services, you should have them do just that. But even if you can't find anyone to help you produce a testimonial you can still take advantage of satisfied clients to produce content. For example, you can produce a case study to convince prospects to set up an appointment to learn more.

8. Video has vast potential

Video has been having a moment for a while now, and it's not ending anytime soon. It is engaging and easier to share than ever before. And businesses are taking advantage in order to communicate information and convert prospects into customers. Of course, sharing video via social networks such as Facebook or YouTube is obvious. They make it easy to share this content, and everyone else is already doing it. So why not push your own video over platforms built to make it easy?

However, social networks aren't the only place where video has value. Your website should make heavy use of video as well. It's more effective than other varieties of content at communicating a message quickly. And video offers opportunities to present compelling imagery and soundbites in your effort to convert website visitors. Video is especially powerful in combination with landing pages designed to drive individuals to provide contact information.

9. Give It One Last Effort With Exit-Intent Pop-ups

Go the extra mile to keep your visitors glued to your site by using an exit intent pop-up. For example, if they press the back button or leave a page, add a pop-up asking them to sign up for updates instead. You can also offer something free to get them to sign up and receive updates. 

Pop-ups can work as long as you have a clear call-to-action and the right image. You can also test themusing the A/B tests to determine if your pop-ups work. It's good to also experiment to determine what works best.

Is your business struggling with website engagement? We have the right tools to help you better engage with your customers. Our Live Agents are available 24/7 to answer questions or concerns. Call us today to request a demo.

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