Product Release: Virtual Assistant

We have over 10 years of experience with live chat. After that long, you learn a few things. For example, that our clients appreciate the ability to customize their invitations and scripts or the 24/7 availability we offer. 

We also learned that as much as our live chat agents offer a real, human experience that can’t be replaced, there are times when a live chat agent may not be necessary. That’s why we’re introducing the Virtual Assistant!

What is our Virtual Assistant?

Our new Virtual Assistant is a fast and easy way for your website visitors to connect with your business. It offers quick response time and ease of use that help visitors convert into leads.

The Virtual Assistant provides 24/7 lead conversion without the cost of a live agent. Plus, its fast lead response time can improve conversion rates! Once a lead is qualified, the Virtual Assistant can route the chat directly to your business via email or Call Connect. 

Our scripts are one of our strengths. The Virtual Assistant uses pre-built script templates informed by our live chat service proven to convert more leads for your business. This customizable chat flow uses qualifying questions to ensure visitors are interested in your service, located in your geographic service area, and have provided contact information. 

With your input, we make sure the Virtual Assistant’s script maximizes your website’s lead generation potential.

Play video to watch the Virtual Assistant
  • Minimal set-up required

You don’t have to write the script, you don’t have to build the assistant: All you need to do is add the code to your website. It’s a custom virtual assistant without all the work of building one or writing a script. 

After all, we’ve been doing this for a while. Once we learn about your business and how you qualify leads, we’ll be able to build a Virtual Assistant that boosts your website conversion rate. How do we know? Because we’ve been helping businesses convert more website traffic into leads for over a decade now. That experience has afforded our team an extensive understanding of how to use chat to convert visitors into leads. 

Key features included with Virtual Assistant

The Virtual Assistant includes a number of key services that improve website conversions and qualify more leads for your business:

1. 24/7 Lead Conversion 

Just like our live chat, our Virtual Assistant service is available to convert visitors into leads 24/7. They provide visitors useful information, quality leads, and book meetings all day, every day. That way you never miss a lead. 

2. Customizable flow and script

Our extensive experience in live chat informs our scripts. Our team can create custom scripts tailored to your lead qualification needs. The script can be adjusted to ensure the Virtual Assistant is connecting with customers the way you want it to. 

3. Call Connect Availability

Our chat agents have been using Call Connect to connect qualified prospects directly to our clients’ office phones for years. The Virtual Assistant can also use Call Connect to link those visitors directly to your team to close the deal. 

4. Real-time CRM sync

Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) integrates with an extensive list of CRMs and other platforms used to manage new leads. However your leads are routed to your CRM, you can use that same logic with Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) to make sure you’re receiving new chat leads in real-time. 

5. Lead qualification

Nobody likes spending time on a lead that’s not interested. Lead qualification saves your business time and money by ensuring every lead you follow up with is a valuable one. The Virtual Assistant uses scripts designed to qualify leads according to your business’s specific needs. 

6. Faster lead response time

The Virtual Assistant is able to offer rapid responses and substantially reduce lead response time. Fast responses mean higher conversion rates. If you wait just five minutes to respond to an inbound inquiry, you’re 10 times more likely to lose that lead forever.

Virtual Assistant with Exit Popup

Our Virtual Assistant also works with our popular Exit Popup feature. Exit Popup reduces website abandonment and improves website conversion rates by providing visitors one last chance to chat before they leave. Adding Exit Popup can improve your desktop website conversion rate by 15%!

With the Virtual Assistant visitors can walk themselves through a chat before leaving, ensuring you capture their lead information. 

Chat without the cost of a live agent

When website visitors have the ability to engage with your business in real-time, provide their information, and set an appointment, you’re making it easier for them to convert into leads. And eventually customers. 

With the Virtual Assistant, you and your website visitors get that benefit without the cost of live chat agents. And the Virtual Assistant offers a faster lead response time that can actually lead to improved conversion rates through a better customer experience. 

Add the Virtual Assistant today to get the conversion benefits of live chat agents without the cost!