What is the process for domain white labeling

Step 1: Purchasing a domain
In order for Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) to whitelabel a domain, we need a dedicated domain name. Often, this will be something like [yourcompany]chat.com.

We *cannot* use chat.[yourcompany].com. This is due to how we handle DNS security. The entire domain must be able to be reassigned to our DNS provider.

Simply visit your preferred domain vendor (godaddy, namecheap, etc), purchase a new domain, and you’ll be good to go!

Step 2: Inform Blazeo (formerly ApexChat)
Once you have purchased your domain, please contact your sales representative with the name of the domain. We will then take your domain and add it to our DNS provider. This process may take 24-48 hours.

Step 3: Convert Nameservers
Once your domain has been added to our DNS provider, we will provide you with new nameservers. You will be responsible for changing your new domain’s nameservers using the control panel provided by your domain vendor (godaddy, namecheap, etc)

Step 4: Inform Blazeo (formerly ApexChat)
Once you’ve updated your nameservers, let us know and we’ll complete the setup on our end!