How To Double Your Revenue with Live Chat (Like Our Client Did)

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Half of 2022 is over. How much revenue have your 2022 marketing strategies generated?

Live chat helped American Truck Training double their year-to-year revenue. The trade school identified an underserved market and used live chat to meet their needs in ways their competition was overlooking. All while raising brand awareness and creating a better customer experience.

American Truck Training is now known as one of the most personable and reputable Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) schools in the state of Oklahoma and in the country. 

Watch the interview with the school’s President and CEO Jerome Redmond and read how live chat services can improve lead generation and client retention of organizations and businesses. 


Generate Sales That the Competition Can't

Lead generation is the number one goal for marketers in the education industry, according to the 2022 Education Marketing Trends & Insights report by C. Blohm & Associates, Inc.

Content and social media are the primary lead generation strategies for most education organizations.

Interesting content and audience retention are key to developing long-term authority and loyal online communities, but content and social don’t achieve the kinds of quality and quantity of leads most marketing teams want.

Live chat and text are often overlooked as effective lead generators that can work alongside higher level marketing systems to close sales.

Redmond used this to his advantage. 

“What I did was my research: to find out what other ways we could increase our lead volume, increase the quality of our leads and I found chat was a really good way to do that… I noticed many of my competitors weren’t doing that,” says Redmond. 

ApexChat live chat services raise online leads by an average of 40% across all industries.

Redmond discovered an underserved market in the trade and vocational school business that he could serve by adding live chat to his website.


Serve Customers When They Need You

Timely offers and knowledgeable customer service lead to more purchases, according to a Deloitte Insights 2022 Global Marketing Trends survey

Redmond noticed his website was receiving a lot of visits after business hours. He believes that this is when many potential customers are awake, worried and searching online. He saw he was missing an opportunity and needed a solution that could capture this audience while he was away. 

“When they find us, it’s nice to have someone that they feel like they can talk to right then and there, (and) get some of their questions answered. At least enough to where it becomes a lead, and then the next morning my staff can take the ball and run with it. . . It makes me feel like I’m really truly helping people when they need my help.” 

Redmond increased his year-to-year revenue by 50% after he added live chat to his website. He thinks live chat is responsible for a significant portion of the growth his business experienced. 


Improve and Retain Brand Awarenes

Brand awareness is one of the most important objectives in 2022, according to Nielsen’s Annual Marketing Report. They report that marketing accounts for 10% to 35% of a brand’s total equity. 

But, what’s more interesting in this report is that Nielsen suggests that the channels and tactics used to generate brand awareness and source brand equity are not the traditional methods used to deliver immediate ROI. Everything has changed since COVID-19, and it’s time for businesses to explore the new ways their customers experience their brand. 

Redmond experienced an unexpected improvement in brand awareness since implementing live chat services. 

“We are more regarded as the more personal CDL school in Oklahoma and a lot of the country,” says Redmond. 

He sees the development of his school’s brand through both call and text services as one of the biggest returns on investment of ApexChat. 

“... Just to have that extra layer of customer service, outside of business hours, and during business hours as well. It’s hard to put a price on it,” says Redmond.  

Lead Generation for Higher Education

Redmond set out to increase qualified leads, and live chat services doubled his revenue, improved his trade school’s brand and overall customer experience. His dedication to research, being able to identify the need for an after hours lead capturing feature and a willingness to experiment with new technology resulted in success that exceeded his expectations. He’s not only blazing a trail for a new way higher education can think about lead generation and branding, but his thinking aligns with a higher level shift in the way organizations of all kinds meet their customers in the digital space. 

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