Lead Generation for HVAC Companies

The more an HVAC company does to generate leads, the more prospective customers it may attract and the more money it might make. Let’s talk about how you can generate more leads to take your HVAC company to the next level.

Meet Customers Where They Are 

If only it were always as easy as sitting back and waiting for customers to come to you. You have to go to the customers to get their attention, especially if you’re a relatively new business or your sales have recently slowed. Some major sites to utilize are Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor, TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. 

There are several methods that could help you attract customers and draw attention to your business. For example, you could post special offers, create ads and share positive reviews from happy clients. The information you supply is important, but it’s also essential that you try to stand out from everyone else doing the same thing. Don’t look like you’re trying too hard. Let your business mostly speak for itself, but make sure not to put out dry and boring content to the public.

One major way to generate leads is to post attractive offers for prospective and returning customers. HVAC is essential in almost every home and business, but it can also be incredibly expensive, especially if it’s not just a maintenance check and a repair or replacement is necessary. Posting the offer can be a great way to not only bring in new customers but also potentially turn them into repeat clients. 

Another great option would be to give the public insight into the behind-the-scenes happenings at your company. For example, you could post short TikTok videos of your staff goofing off in the office in their usual manner. Another option is posting tips and tricks from your trained HVAC technicians for how viewers can fix a simple problem with their system. Many prospective customers might feel inspired to contact your HVAC business if they already feel like they have gotten to know it (and the team behind it) before scheduling an appointment.

Several of the services available via Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) can help your company better connect with new and existing customers on social media while also capturing leads. For example, our chat agents can handle one-on-one customer interactions through Facebook Messenger thanks to Facebook Messenger Integration.

Speed Up Your Response Times

No one wants to be without heating or air conditioning when they need it the most. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also be dangerous, especially if there are children or seniors in the home or residents with life-threatening health conditions. It’s necessary to provide them with emergency service as quickly as possible, but first, they need to be able to reach you to make an appointment. 

When a potential customer is sitting in a freezing or sweltering home, the last thing they want to do is wait for a response back. Chances are they’re going to go with the business that has good reviews and will offer them the fastest service appointment.

One of the best ways Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) can help is with 24/7 live chat coverage for your HVAC company. You don’t need to close up the office and wonder if you’re missing out on money or have to hire staff to sit in front of the office phones day and night. This is especially the case on holidays when chances are your team just wants to be with their loved ones. Live chat agents can help your new and existing customers with everything from scheduling emergency appointments to answering questions about available services. 

This is valuable for helping customers feel like they’re important and prioritized. It can also give them an appointment to look forward to instead of feeling like they’re stuck in limbo and waiting for help that can’t come fast enough. Above all, it gets them on the schedule sooner rather than later, so they can get the emergency help they need. It also won't leave their request stuck at the tail end of a long line of messages that your staff has to listen to first thing in the morning.

Let Your Staff Use Their Creativity

When you outsource certain tasks for your HVAC business, like the previously mentioned live chat feature, it creates the opportunity for your staff to get creative with other methods of lead generation. For example, instead of your employees dealing with a constant barrage of phone calls, emails and chat messages, many of those might immediately go to the Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) agents so they can expertly handle them. 

Using Blazeo's (formerly ApexChat) Call Connect service is another option that frees up time for your staff while still letting you stay connected to your clients. When a customer requests via live chat to speak to someone at your business, we're the link that connects the two together.

This extra free time lets your staff think up new ways to bring in customers via social media and creative methods for building up the online presence of your HVAC business. They could even consider how your company can give back to the local community while, at the same time, helping to drum up leads. One such way to do this can be to offer free HVAC maintenance checks and tune-ups to qualifying elderly residents, giving you a way to give back to a vulnerable population and helping to ensure their safety during hot or cold temperatures.

Magic can happen when everyone gets the opportunity to utilize their strengths. Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) already has highly qualified live chat agents who are experts in customer interaction and lead generation. They already know what existing and prospective customers respond to and what tends to turn them away, increasing the chances of successful interactions that can lead to more money for your business. 

Incentivize Word-of-Mouth Referrals 

Many HVAC companies are so focused on online lead generation that they forget about the best method: word-of-mouth referrals. Existing and prospective customers can see all the customer appreciation offers they want and notice your HVAC company advertising this deal or that one, but several of them will still want to know more about your business. They'll do research to learn what past and current customers are saying about the service they received and their overall customer service experience. 

Incentivizing word-of-mouth referrals is one thing, but what you don’t want to do is make it seem like the recommendations were forced or fake in some way. Most readers can see through that, and it won’t look good for your business. Genuine, legitimate and heartfelt reviews about the HVAC experience customers had with your business will be what comes across best. 

Two incentives to consider offering are a percentage off a current or future bill or a free maintenance check on the HVAC system to make sure everything is running smoothly. Both are ways to encourage genuine reviews while also inspiring customers to use your HVAC services in the future. 

Contact Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) to Help With Lead Generation for Your HVAC Company

When you work with Blazeo (formerly ApexChat), you’re not locked into a long-term contract or commitment, so you can take your time to see how you feel about the service and how it works for you and your HVAC business. You’re also only going to pay for qualified leads, making it easier to have more faith and trust in the company and its hard-working employees. Contact Blazeo (formerly ApexChat) to get a demo today! We can come up with a tailored plan that’s ideal for you and your HVAC business now and in the future.

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