
Old version: How to Integrate Facebook Messenger with Blazeo (formerly ApexChat)

Below are the instructions to set up Facebook integration by creating an app.

Before we begin, please make sure you have a business account registered and verified with Facebook.

Without a verified business account Facebook does not grant you access to pull user data (name).


Getting Started

1) Go to developers.facebook.com, and log in if you aren’t already logged in.

2) Click on “My Apps” from the top right corner. Then, click the “Create App” button.

3) Select “Business” and click “Next”.

4) Give the app a name, enter your email address, select a business manager account, and click Create App.

5) You’ll be redirected to a page that asks you to add products to your app. You have to select the “Messenger” option, indicated below.

6) You’ll be taken to a new page where you will configure the settings. 

7) Scroll down to the Webhooks section and click Add Callback URL.

8) Enter the Callback URL and Verify Token that was provided to you by your account rep. And click Verify and Save.

9) If you were able to Verify and Save successfully in the last step, you should see an Add or Remove Pages button. Please click that.

10) A new window will pop up asking you to log in to continue. Select the page you are trying to integrate and accept the permissions.

11) Now click the Add subscription button next to the page you just linked.

12) Please select the following subscriptions:

    • messages
    • message_deliveries
    • messaging_referrals
    • messaging_postbacks
    • message_reads
    • messaging_optins


13) Now scroll up to the Access Token section. Click Generate Token and copy the value. You will need to provide this token to your ApexChat account rep.

Also, please provide your Facebook page URL (www.facebook.com/page name) to ApexChat account rep.

14) Next you’ll want to go to the app settings.  You can go there by clicking the Settings > Basic option in the left side menu. Once you’re on the settings page, please add the appropriate values to the highlighted fields in the screenshot below:

  • The Privacy Policy URL should be a link to your privacy policy page.
  • The Category should be “Messaging.”
  • The App purpose should be “Yourself or your own business.”
  • The App Icon should be a 512×512 or 1024×1024 sized-image of your logo (This image will not be displayed on your Facebook page).

15) Now you’ll want to go to the Permissions and Features page. You can go there by clicking the App Review > Permissions and Features from the left menu. On this page, you’ll want to search for messaging and click Request Advanced Access for pages_messages.

16) The button’s text will change, now click the Edit App Review Request button.

17) Scroll down to the Complete App Verification section and click the Provide verification details button.

18) Now you have to provide instruction on how the Facebook team can review the integration: 

For this area, you have to select No for the first question, and then select My app doesn’t use the Facebook Login dialog.

Now click Save.

19) Scroll down and click the blue arrow in next section to edit page_messaging permission:

20) Now you have to provide details about why the pages_messages permission is required:

For the detailed description of how our app will use this permission, we wrote:

We'll be using the pages_messaging permission to enable live chat agents to conduct conversations on our Facebook page.

Access to this permission enables our live chat agents to monitor any new conversations that a user on our page starts.

The end-user will be able to receive a response to their messages sooner.

For testing the functionality, you’ll have to select the Facebook page you are trying to integrate. And provide these steps:

Step 1: Go to https://m.me/pageid

Step 2: Send a message to your page. 

Step 3: Wait for a response from a live chat agent.

You’ll have to record yourself sending a message and getting a response, and upload that as the final step of the process. 

21) You can now click Submit for Review at the bottom of the page.

Note: If your business manager isn’t already verified by Facebook you should do that first. For that verification, you’ll have to provide a business document that shows your organization’s name and physical address.